Tuesday, August 30, 2016

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 1: Hong Chia Chuan (Philippines) wins Sone Toshihiko (Japan)

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship:  Round 1: Hong Chia Chuan (Philippines) wins Sone Toshihiko (Japan)

Hong Chia Chuan (Philippines)
Sone Toshiniko (Japan)

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship:  Round 1:

Hong Chia Chuan (Philippines) wins Sone Toshihiko (Japan)

Round 1
2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship
Date: 22nd August 2015
Venue: University of Applied Languages (SDI), Munich, Germany

  1. C2=5  …………

Red Central Cannon opening, very common uses in this tournament.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 1: Shoshi Kazuharu (Japan) loses Chong Heung Ming (Philippine)

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship:  Round 1: Shoshi Kazuharu (Japan) loses Chong Heung Ming (Philippines)

Shoshi Kazuharu (Japan)

Chong Heung Ming (Philippines)

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 1: Gitter Alfred (Germany) loses Nguyen Marc Antoine (France)

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship:  Round 1: Gitter Alfred (Germany) loses Nguyen Marc Antoine (France)

Gitter Alfred (Germany)
Nguyen Marc Antoine (France)

Sunday, August 21, 2016

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 1: Gollmar Bastian (Germany) loses Chen Fazuo (UK)

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 1: Gollmar Bastian (Germany) loses Chen Fazuo (UK)

Left- Chen Fazuo (UK), Right - Gollmar Bastian (Germany) 

Gollmar Bastian (Germany) 

Chen Fazuo (UK)

Friday, August 19, 2016

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 1: Lei Cam Fun (Macao) wins ZELIMKHAN Gaysumov (Russia)

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship:  Round 1: Lei Cam Fun (Macao) wins ZELIMKHAN Gaysumov (Russia)

Zelimkhan Gaysumo
Lei Cam Fun

Lei Cam Fun (Macao) wins ZELIMKHAN Gaysumov (Russia)

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

2015 14th World XiangQi Championship Men's Individual game: Round 1- Lucas Gitter (Germany) loses Matsuno Yoichiro (Japan)

2015 14th World XiangQi Championship Men's Individual game: Round 1- Lucas Gitter (Germany) vs Matsuno Yoichiro (Japan)

Lucas Gitter (Germany)
Matsuno Yoichiro (Japan)

Lucas Gitter (Germany) loses Matsuno Yoichiro (Japan)

Monday, August 15, 2016

Xiangqi End Game: Cannon Variation: Single Cannon with one Advisor sure wins Two Advisors

Xiangqi End Game: Cannon Variation: Single Cannon with one Advisor sure wins Two Advisors

1) Red's king on center line
2) Move the advisor to the side where Black's does not place his advisor
3) By using waiting move, force Black's king move to the side without the his advisor

Sunday, August 14, 2016

;Xiangqi End Game: Horse variation: Single Horse with non-crossed river Pawn sure wins Two Elephants

;Xiangqi End Game: Horse variation: Single Horse with non-crossed river Pawn sure wins Two Elephants

1) Force Black's king moves to same flank as Elephant
2) Red's King places in center line
3) Using waiting move to control movement of Black

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 1: Cao Yanlei (Macao) wins Petri Haikola (Finland)

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship:  Round 1: Cao Yanlei (Macao) wins Petri Haikola (Finland)

Cao Yanlei (Macao)

Petri Haikola (Finland)

Cao Yanlei (Macao) wins Petri Haikola (Finland)

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variation: Single Horse with High Pawn sure wins Single Cannon with One Advisor

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variation: Single Horse with High Pawn sure wins Single Cannon with One Advisor

 Red first wins

  1. K5=6  C1=4    2. H4+3  K5=4
  3. K6+1  C4+5    4. H3-2  K4+1
  5. H2+4  A6+5    6. H4+2  C4-1
  7. H2-1  C4+1    8. H1+3

Red would have captured the advisor and sure wins.

Friday, August 12, 2016

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 1:Sloan Sam (USA) Loses Lai Ly Huynh (Vietnam)

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship:  Round 1:Sloan Sam (USA) Loses Lai Ly Huynh (Vietnam)

Sloan Sam (USA)

Lai Ly Huynh (Vietnam)


Round 1
2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship
Date: 22nd August 2015
Venue: University of Applied Languages (SDI), Munich, Germany

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variations: Single Horse with Low Pawn hard to win Single Cannon

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variations: Single Horse with Low Pawn hard to win Single Cannon

In order to draw:
1) King must be in highest rank
2) Utilize cannon for center coverage

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variations: Single Horse with Pawn sure wins Single Cannon with Single Elephant

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variations: Single Horse with Pawn sure wins Single Cannon with Single Elephant

1) Pawn and King must be placed in deference side (4th file and 6th file)
2) Using wait move to force elephant move to side
3) With horse support, move the pawn to center of palace
4) Move the horse to other side via path below the king for checkmate

Red first wins

  1. K5+1  E7-9    2. H7-6  E9-7
  3. H6+5  C3-2    4. P5=6  K4=5
  5. K5=4  C3+6    6. H5+7  C3=6
  7. P6=5  K5=6    8. H7-6  C6-4
  9. H6-5  C6+4   10. H5-6  E7+5
 11. H6-4

Move the horse and wins.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variations: Single Horse with High Pawn sure win Two Advisors One Elephant

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variations: Single Horse with High Pawn sure win Two Advisors One Elephant

1) Place pawn in center to prevent elephant move to center
2) Force elephant move to side and then use horse to control movement of elephant
3) Deploys pawn to capture the elephant

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 1: Dr. Michael Naegler (Germany) draws Hu Yue (Italy)

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship:  Round 1: Dr. Michael Naegler (Germany) draws Hu Yue (Italy)


 Dr. Michael Naegler (Germany)

Round 1
2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship
Date: 22nd August 2015
Venue: University of Applied Languages (SDI), Munich, Germany

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Xiangqi End game: Horse variations: Single horse Low Pawn Hard to Win Two Advisors One Elephant

Xiangqi End game: Horse variations: Single horse Low Pawn Hard to Win Two Advisors One Elephant

In order for Red to draw the game:
1) The king must be exposed outside
2) The elephant must not placed on the same flank as king.

My printed book: The XiangQi Master From The Cave

My printed book: The XiangQi Master From The Cave

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Monday, August 8, 2016

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variations: Horse With Sible Pawn Hard to Win One Advisor and Two Elephants

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variations: Horse with Single Low Pawn Hard to Win One Advisor and  Two Elephants

In order for Red to draw the game, there are two conditions:
1) The king must placed above the advisor as show on board
2) A linked elephant with center elephant

Red move first:

   1. E1+3  …………

If Red played E5+3,then Black H8+7;K4+1,H7+8;K4-1,K5+1!Black would gain the elephant by next move H8-7 and wins.

  1. …………  H8+7    2. K4+1  K5+1
  3. E5+7  H7-5    4. K4-1  H5+4
  5. E7-5  H4-5    6. E5+7


Sunday, August 7, 2016

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variations: Single Horse Single Pawn hard to win Double Advisors Double Elephants

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variations: Single Horse Single Pawn hard to win Double Advisors Double Elephants

The diagram shows one of the board situation for Red to draw the game.

Red moves first

  1. K5=6  H5+3    2. K6=5  H3+2
  3. A6-5  H2-3    4. A5+6  H3+1
  5. K5=6  H1-3    6. K6=5  H3-5
  7. K5=6  H5+6    8. E3+1  H6+8
  9. K6=5


2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 1: Olavi Stenman (Finland) draws Oliver Breitschaedel (Germany)

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship:  Round 1: Olavi Stenman (Finland) draws Oliver Breitschaedel (Germany)

Olavi Stenman (Finland) draws Oliver Breitschaedel (Germany)

Olavi Stenman (Finland) draws Oliver Breitschaedel (Germany)

Olavi Stenman (Finland)
Oliver Breitschedel (Germany)

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variations: Single Horse one Pawn positional wins double advisors double elephants

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variations: Single Horse one Pawn positional wins double advisors double elephants

In normal situation, Single horse with single pawn is unable to win complete advisors and elephants.
In this game, Red could win the game due to Black has not ready to for the defense yet.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variation: Single horse low pawn could not win double advisors with pawn

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variation: Single horse low pawn could not win double advisors with pawn

As seen, Black king is controlling Red's 6th file, and Black's pawn is positioning on Red's 4th file. The only chance for Red to gain a draw is to position his pieces as shown.
Red should not afraid to sacrifice his left's advisor for a draw.

2015 14th World XiangQi Championship Men's Individual game: Round 1 Uwe Frischmuth (Germany) loses Arnout de Leeuwe (Netherlands)

2015 14th World XiangQi Championship Men's Individual game: Round 1 Uwe Frischmuth (Germany) loses Arnout de Leeuwe (Netherlands)

Uwe Frischmuth (Germany)
Arnout de Leeuwe (Netherlands)

Uwe Frischmuth (Germany) loses Arnout de Leeuwe (Netherlands)

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variations: Single Horse, Elephant and Pawn positional draws Single Chariot

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variations: Single Horse, Elephant and Pawn positional draws Single Chariot

In general, Single horse with single elephant and single pawn could not draw with single chariot.

However, diagram below shows the sure draw position.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variations: Single Chariot sure wins Single Horse Two Elephants (Low Elephant)

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variations: Single Chariot sure wins Single Horse Two Elephants (Low Elephant).

As shows on the board, Black's horse is on center, however, one of the elephant is on lowest position (low elephant). This is know as "fake 3 elephants". Red could win the game. Red could force Black's king to move to elephant side and block the elephant's eye by his own king.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variations: Single Horse Two Elephant positional draws single Chariot (high elephant)

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variations: Single Horse Two Elephant positional draws single Chariot

In most cased, single horse with 2 elephants could not draw single chariot, except as shown on the diagram. Red had able to form 3 "elephants" i.e. center horse acts as center elephant, and one of the elephant is on river bank position..known as high elephant.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variations: Horse acts as Elephant draws Single Chariot

Xiangqi End Game: Horse variations: Horse acts as Elephant draws Single Chariot

In order to draw, Red must not allowed Black's chariot to block the elephant's eye.

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 1: Tanaka Atsushi (Japan) draws Guido Freyer (Germany)

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: 
Round 1: Tanaka Atsushi (Japan) vs Guido Freyer (Germany)

Tanaka Atsushi (Japan) draws Guido Freyer (Germany)

You can find the full game from below link

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship
Date: 22nd August 2015
Venue: University of Applied Languages (SDI), Munich, Germany

Tanaka Atsushi (Japan) 

 Guido Freyer (Germany)