57 Cannon Opening Series #7:
What happen if Red does not play P3+1 in the early stage?
In the previous post, we had discussed the beginning of 57 Cannon Opening. However, 57 opening with crossed river chariot,need support from other pieces for the attack. In this case, the right horse. in order to develop the right horse, Red P3+1 is needed.
In this post, we will discuss what would happen if Red did not play P3+1 in the early stage?
1. C2=5 H8+7 2. H2+3 P3+1 3. R1=2 R9=8 4. R2+6 H2+3 5. C8=7 H3+2
6. H8+9 …………
Now we reach the early stage of 57 Cannon Opening.
Basically there are 3 main variations for Black:
1) E3+5
2) E7+5
3) P1+1
Variation #1: E3+5
6. ………… E3+5
7. R9+1 A4+5 8. R9=6 C8=9 9. R2+3 H7-8 10. C5+4 R1=4 11. R6+8 K5=4
12. P3+1
Red still has to play P3+1 to develop his horse. The board situation is almost even, Red somehow better position.
Variation #2: E7+5
6. ………… E7+5
7. R9+1 R1+1 8. R9=6 R1=6 9. P3+1
Red still has to play P3+1 to develop his horse.
Variation #1:P1+1
6. ………… P1+1
P1+1 is not so effective since Red has not play P3+1 yet.
If Red has played P3+1, then Black could P1+1 and follow by P1+1 to develop his right chariot. After the pawn exchanged, Black's chariot is threatening to capture Red'pawn on File 3.
7. C7+3 …………
Good move!
7. ………… P1+1 8. P9+1 R1+5
Black's chariot does not have good target for attack.
9. R2=3 E7+5 10. C7=3 …………
Good move!
10. ………… E5+7 11. R3+1 E7-5 12. C5+4 A4+5 13. R3-1
Red has gained additional 3 pawns, obviously is in advantages.
Anyhow, Red has to play P3+1 in order to develop his horse to aid in the attack. Therefore, it is always a good idea to play P3+1 in the early stage.
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