2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship:
Round 1: Tanaka Atsushi (Japan) vs Guido Freyer (Germany)
Tanaka Atsushi (Japan) draws Guido Freyer (Germany)
You can find the full game from below link
2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship
Date: 22nd August 2015
Venue: University of Applied Languages (SDI), Munich, Germany
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Tanaka Atsushi (Japan) |
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Guido Freyer (Germany)
1. C2=5 …………
Red started with Central Cannon.The most common Xiangqi opening nowadays.
1. ………… H2+3
Black responded with H2+3. This means, Black might not planning to use Screen Horse Defense.
2. H2+3 C8=5
Black counter-played with C2=5 is not a common opening. Normally, Black would response with C8=6 for Sandwiched Horse Opening.
3. R1=2 …………
Red R1=2 to develop his chariot rapidly.
3. ………… H8+7 4. P3+1 …………
A better choice for Red would be H8+7, to develop his left flank for balance formation.
4. ………… P3+1
P3+1 was not a good idea.Since Red has not developed his left flank yet, Black should take this opportunity to pressurize Red's left flank.A good plan for Black could be C2=1,a preparation for R1=2 in next move.
Unfortunately, Black played P3+1 and would has given chance for Red to attack.
5. R2+5 …………
! Correct move.
5. ………… E3+1
Black forced E3+1 to protect the pawn. If Black replied with P5+1, Red C5+3, H3+5, C8=5. Red would gained advantages.
6. C8+4 …………
Correct move.
6. ………… R9=8 7. R2=7 R1=3
8. H8+9 …………
Red H8+9 was planning for C5=7 in next move. However,this would further weaken center line defense. A better choice would be H8+7, this would allow H3+4 in next move.
8. ………… R8+8
Bad move. Red could easily response with A6+5 to prevent Black's chariot cross to other flank.
A better idea for Black could be H3+2, develop right horse and offer to trade the chariot.Red would forced to exchanged.
9. C5=7 …………
Not a good move for Red. Red should play A6+5 to prevent Black's chariot cross to other flank.
9. ………… R8=2
! Black managed to move his chariot to other flank due to Red's mistake.This Black's chariot had became more dangerous to Red.
10. C8=7 …………
Red should played R9=8, the situation would be equal.
10. ………… E1+3
Of course.
11. +C+3 A4+5 12. C7-4 H3+4
As seen on board, Red has gained a elephant. However, Black's main pieces were placed on strategic location. Red's left chariot has not develop yet. Black horse was threatening to capture central pawn in next move. Obviously, Black has gained initiative.
13. A4+5 …………
Better would be A6+5. This could give chance for Red to play R9=6 in the future.
13. ………… C2+5
A move without clear objective. A better move would be H4+5 attack from the center.
14. E7+5 C5+4
Black could have played better with H4+5. A central cannon was more powerful than horse at this moment.
15. P9+1 …………
Red should exchanged the center cannon with his horse. After the exchanged, Red could gained even status.
15. ………… C5=7 16. P9+1 …………
Good move. Tempt Black to play P1+1.
16. ………… H4+3
If Black played P1+1, Red H9+8. Red could develop his left chariot in next move.
However, Black H4+3 was not ideal too. A better move could be C7+3.
17. P9+1 H3-5 18. +C-1 C7=1
Black could play C7+3.
19. R9=7 H5+3 20. C7=8 …………
Mistake. A better move would be C+=6.
20. ………… C2=5 21. E3+5 H3+1
22. C8=4 …………
A better move would be C8=6.If Black followed by H9+7, Black would played C6-3.
However Black played C8=4, this allow Red to play H9+7 in next move.
22. ………… H1+3 23. K5=4 C1=3
A better move for Black would be H3-5 for material gain.
24. C4-3 P5+1
Still H3-5 for material gain.
25. C4=7 R2=3 26. R7+1 C3+2
After exchanged, it has became even position.
27. H3+2 P5+1 28. H2+3 H7+5
29. E5-7 …………
Wise move.
29. ………… H5+4 30. C7=3 …………
A better move would be C7=1 for material gain.
30. ………… C3-4 31. P3+1 P5+1
32. H3-5 E7+5 33. P3+1 H4+3
34. E7+9 H3-2 35. E9+7 …………
Red should save the pawn and sacrificed the elephant. Technically, Red could has higher winning change.
35. ………… H2-1 36. C3+2 H1-2
A small mistake which not easy to be detected.Black H1-2 would lose the elephant in next move.To prevent this to happen, a better move for Black would be H1-3.
37. C3=5 K5=4 38. P1+1 …………
Red missed the opportunity to win the game. Red should C5+4 for material gain and has big change to win the game.
38. ………… H2+4 39. H5+7 E5+7
A mistake. Better move would be E5-7.
40. C5+2 …………
A better move would be C5=6. If Black K4=5, Red P3+1, P9+1, C6=5, K5=4, C5=2 Red would gain the free pawn.
40. ………… P9+1 41. P1+1 C3=9
42. C5=6 K4=5 43. H7-6 H4+2
44. H6+5 H2+3 45. H5-3
The game notation ended here and the result was a draw game.
On board, Black could capture Red's cannon with H3-4 in next move. Black could win the end game with cannon, horse and pawn combination.I don't know the real story behind, may be time constraint etc.
You can find the full game from below link
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