#10 Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot - Red R2+6 variation.
Outcome: Advantage to Black
1. C2=5 C8=5
Same Direction Cannon Opening confirmed.
2. H2+3 …………
Red developed his right horse.
Another valid move for Red would be R1+1 for Ranked Chariot formation.
However, Same Direction Cannon Ranked Chariot is out of the scope in this chapter.
2. ………… H8+7
Now is Black's turn to develop his left horse.
Black also could play R9+1, it would lead to the same variation.
3. R1=2 R9+1 4. R2+6 …………
As mentioned in previous post, the most effective moves for "Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot" are as below:
1. C2=5 C8=5 2. H2+3 H8+7
3. R1=2 R9+1 4. P3+1 R9=4
5. H8+7 H2+3 6. P7+1 R1+1
As seen on board, Red plays R2+6 instead of P3+1 in ply #4.
R2+6 is not a effective move for Red. Black must know how to utilize Red's mistake and turn it into his own advantages.
4. ………… P3+1
Black P3+1 would be the most effective move to against Red.