Saturday, December 31, 2016

#15 Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot - Red A4+5 or A6+5 variation.

#15 Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot - Red A4+5 or A6+5 variation.

Outcome: Advantage to Black

  1. C2=5  C8=5    2. H2+3  H8+7    3. R1=2  R9+1    4. A4+5  …………

Red A4+5 was common in old days.
For this variation, what is the best move for Black?

Friday, December 30, 2016

#14 Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot - Red C8=6 then C6+5 variation.

#14 Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot - Red C8=6 then C6+5 variation.

Outcome: Advantage to Black

  1. C2=5  C8=5    2. H2+3  H8+7    3. R1=2  R9+1    4. C8=6  …………

As mentioned in earlier post, Red C8=6 is not efficient.

  4. …………  H2+3    5. H8+7  R1=2    6. R9=8  C2+4    7. C6+5  …………

In this variation, Red plays C6+5 to attack Black's left horse.

What is the best move for Black to respond?

Xiangqi Puzzle: Creative way to checkmate

Xiangqi Puzzle: Creative way to checkmate

Recently I came across this puzzle from Facebook Xiangqi Page.

A brilliant and excellent idea to solve this puzzle.

Red moves first and wins. Answer is at the bottom of the page.

Red moves first and wins

Monday, December 26, 2016

#13 Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot - Red C8=6 variation.

#13 Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot - Red C8=6 variation.

Outcome: Advantage to Black

  1. C2=5  C8=5    2. H2+3  H8+7
  3. R1=2  R9+1

Both reaches Same Direction Cannon Filed Chariot vs Ranked Chariot variation.

  4. C8=6  …………

As mentioned earlier, the most effective move for Red would be P3+1.
However, in this variation, Red plays C8=6.This is also a common mistake for Xiangqi Beginners.

Let see how to gain the advantages for this mistake.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

#12 Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot - Red R2+4, Black R9=4 variation.

#12 Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot - Red R2+4, Black R9=4 variation.

Outcome: Advantage to Black

  1. C2=5  C8=5    2. H2+3  H8+7
  3. R1=2  R9+1    4. R2+4  …………

I have seen many Xiangqi beginners like to play R2+4 in this situation, however this is not the smart move for Red.As discussed, the most effective move for Red would be P3+1.
In this point, how can Black gain the advantage?

Friday, December 23, 2016

#11 Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot - Red R2+6, Black R9=4 variation.

#11 Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot - Red R2+6, Black R9=4 variation.

Outcome: Advantage to Red

  1. C2=5  C8=5    2. H2+3  H8+7
  3. R1=2  R9+1    4. R2+6  …………

As mentioned in previous post #10, Red R2+6 is not efficient. The correct move for Red would be P3+1.

  4. …………  R9=4

We had concluded that Black P3+1 would lead the advantage to Black if Red played R2+6 in previous move.

However, Black plays R9=4 instead of P3+1.

In this case, how could Red gain the advantages?

Thursday, December 22, 2016

#10 Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot - Red R2+6 variation.

#10 Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot - Red R2+6 variation.

Outcome: Advantage to Black

  1. C2=5  C8=5

Same Direction Cannon Opening confirmed.

  2. H2+3  …………

Red developed his right horse.

Another valid move for Red would be R1+1 for Ranked Chariot formation.

However, Same Direction Cannon Ranked Chariot is out of the scope in this chapter.

  2. …………  H8+7

Now is Black's turn to develop his left horse.

Black also could play R9+1, it would lead to the same variation.

  3. R1=2  R9+1    4. R2+6  …………

As mentioned in previous post, the most effective moves for "Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot" are as below:

  1. C2=5  C8=5    2. H2+3  H8+7
  3. R1=2  R9+1    4. P3+1  R9=4
  5. H8+7  H2+3    6. P7+1  R1+1

As seen on board, Red plays R2+6 instead of P3+1 in ply #4. R2+6 is not a effective move for Red. Black must know how to utilize Red's mistake and turn it into his own advantages.

  4. …………  P3+1

Black P3+1 would be the most effective move to against Red. 

Actual End Game played!

Actual Xiangqi End Game played!

This is the actual end game within the author and a xiangqi friend at Seremban...a small town in Malaysia.
At the end, Red won the game due to Black's mistake. However, it is interesting to analyze whether there is a better move for Red to win the game.
After analysis in deep, there is a simple way to checkmate.

Let try it and left your comment/feedback in the comment column.

Red moves and wins. Have fun!

Answer is at the bottom of the page.

Red moves first and wins



1 22/12/2016730pm





Wednesday, December 21, 2016

#9 Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot - Black R9=8 variation

#9 Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot - Black R9=8 variation

Outcome: Advantage to Red!

  1. C2=5  C8=5    2. H2+3  …………

Red developed his right 's horse.

  2. …………  H8+7

Black also developed his left's horse.

  3. R1=2  …………

Red plays R1=2 for Filed Chariot, which is more popular than R1+1.

Based on games statistic, Red R1=2 has a higher winning rate if compared with R1+1.This might be the reason why R1=2 is more popular than R1+1.

Red also could play R1+1 for Ranked Chariot, however this is out of our discussion in this chapter.

  3. …………  R9=8

Since Red R1=2 has a higher winning rate, could Black trade his left chariot with Red's filed chariot? This is a common question has been asked by several Xiangqi beginners.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

#8 Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot - Red C5+4 variation

#8 Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot - Red C5+4 variation

Outcome: Advantage to Black!

  1. C2=5  C8=5

Black player is the one who initiated Same Direction Cannon variation.
Therefore it is very important for Black to understand the variation in detail before select C8=5 for Same Direction Cannon.

Black player should know how to counter attack if Red made a mistake.

  2. C5+4  …………

The first question should ask about Same Direction Cannon is can Red play C5+4 in this move?

By playing C5+4, Red had gained the middle pawn immediately. However, is it a smart move?

Monday, December 19, 2016

#7 Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot

#7 Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot

One of the famous Same Cannon Direction Cannon variation at modern day is "Same Direction Cannon Double Headed Snake Pawn Formation vs Double Ranked Chariot" variation.

The move list as below.

  1. C2=5  C8=5    2. H2+3  H8+7
  3. R1=2  R9+1    4. P3+1  R9=4
  5. H8+7  H2+3    6. P7+1  R1+1

  1. 炮二平五  炮8平5    2. 马二进三  马8进7
  3. 车一平二  车9进1    4. 兵三进一  车9平4
  5. 马八进七  马2进3    6. 兵七进一  车1进1

There are total 6 moves to form this variation.These are the most efficient moves by both players.
If any of the player did not follow the move-list, the other party would gain the initiative immediately!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

#6 Same Direction Cannon Opening - Modern Day

#6 Same Direction Cannon Opening - Modern Day

#6 Same Direction Cannon Opening - Modern Day

After few hundred years of development, there are three main variations for Same Direction Cannon Openings at modern day.

There are:

Saturday, December 17, 2016

#5 Same Direction Cannon Opening - Lesson Learnt from ancient manual

#5 Same Direction Cannon Opening - Lesson Learnt from ancient Xiangqi manual

Referring to previous posts from various Xiangqi Ancient Manuals #1, #2, #3 and #4

What have you learnt about Same Direction Cannon Opening?

Please leave your comment here!!

#4 Same Direction Cannon from Book of Plum Blossom

#4 Same Direction Cannon from Book of Plum Blossom

In the old days, people believe that Central Cannon was the most powerful opening. Whereby, Same Direction Cannon or Difference Direction Cannon was the most effective opening for Black to respond Red's Central cannon Opening.

During that time, Screen Horse Defense was not well develop yet.
Until year 1700, Xiangqi ancient manual "Book of Plum Blossom" had written and published by Wang Zaiyue. In this book, Wang emphasized that Screen Horse Defense Opening could contend against Central Cannon Opening.After that, Screen Horse Defense Opening was well develop.

The Xiangqi ancient manual "Book of Plum Blossom" also consists Same Direction Cannon variation full game.

One of the full game as shown below.

Friday, December 16, 2016

#3 Same Direction Cannon Game from Golden Roc Eighteen Variation manual.

#3 Same Direction Cannon Game from Golden Roc Eighteen Variation manual.

Same Direction Cannon Opening full game also documented on an ancient manual called "Golden Roc Eighteen Variation".This ancient manual was published in Ming Dynasty before year 1540.

Golden Roc Eighteen Variation manual had described in detail for Same Direction Cannon and Difference Direction Cannon Opening.
Even another ancient manual "The Secret In The Tangerine" also documented some of its full games from "Golden Roc Eighteen Variation" manual.

Let review together, one of the game from this famous Xiangqi ancient manual Golden Roc Eighteen Variation.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

#2 Same Direction Cannon Opening - Horse Sacrifice With Thirteen Moves Kill

#2 Same Direction Cannon Opening  - Horse Sacrifice With Thirteen Moves Kill

If we talked about Same Direction Cannon Opening, there was a opening trap that every Xiangqi player must knows.

Xiangqi (Chinese Chess) has long history. It has been developed at China more than few hundreds years. Several ancient manuals had been published during this year. One of the masterpiece of Xiangqi ancient manual is "The Secret In The Tangerine". According to historical data, it was written in AD1632 during the Ming Dynasty by Zhu JinZhen. There were lot of xiangqi opening traps had been recorded in this manual.As we learnt from this ancient manual,  Xiangqi's opening trap already well developed since many year ago.The term Xiangqi Opening Traps refers to a move which may tempt the opponent to play a losing move in the game's opening.

In order to learn Xiangqi's opening trap well, it is always good to learn from its origin and evolution. The following game from the "The Secret In The Tangerine" manual, is the most famous Xiangqi's opening trap all time.The game is called Horse Sacrifice With Thirteen Moves Kill. This is a must-learn xiangqi opening trap.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

#1 The beginning of Same Direction Cannon Opening

#1 The beginning of Same Direction Cannon Opening

The first Xiangqi game record was documented on an ancient manual called ShiLinGuangJi. This manual was written by Chen Wenjing, thousand year ago during Song Dynasty. There were two full xiangqi games and one xiangqi end game had been documented in this annual manual. One of the full game was Same Direction Cannon Opening.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

南帝东邪十番棋决赛:第二局:东邪负南帝, South King vs East Evil 10-game match: Game#2: East Evil Loses to South King

South King vs East Evil
10-game match

Game#2: East  Evil Loses to South King


南帝东邪十番棋决赛: 第一局:南帝胜东邪; 10-game match: South King vs East Evil Game #1



South King vs East Evil
10-game match

Game#1: South King wins East Evil


江苏 徐天红 负 杭州 王天一

江苏 徐天红 负 杭州 王天一

第06轮 2016-12-09



Wong Ping Loong @

Saturday, December 10, 2016

黑龙江 陶汉明 负 广东 许银川

黑龙江 陶汉明 负 广东 许银川

第03轮 2016-12-08



Wong Ping Loong @


杭州 王天一 胜 广东 许银川

杭州 王天一 胜 广东 许银川

第05轮 2016-11-09



Wong Ping Loong @

Thursday, December 8, 2016

黑龙江 赵国荣 负 杭州 王天一

黑龙江 赵国荣 负 杭州 王天一

第03轮 2016-11-08



Wong Ping Loong @

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

王天一(中国) 先胜 吴俚葙(东马)

王天一(中国) 先胜 吴俚葙(东马)



Wong Ping Loong @

Monday, December 5, 2016

王天一(中国)先胜 陈有发(马来西亚)

王天一(中国)先胜 陈有发(马来西亚)



Wong Ping Loong @

Sunday, December 4, 2016

中国 王天一 胜 越南 武明一

中国 王天一 胜 越南 武明一



Saturday, December 3, 2016

Xiangqi Opening Trap: Black captured Red's sacrificed horse in later stage.

Black captured Red's sacrificed horse in later stage.

Click below link for similar games

Black learnt from previous game and did not capture the sacrificed horse in 6th move.
However, Red setup another trap to win the game.

  1. C2=5  C8=5    2. H2+3  H8+7
  3. R1+1  R9=8    4. R1=6  R8+6
  5. R6+7  H2+1    6. R9+1  …………

Monday, November 14, 2016

王天一 红负 曹岩磊

王天一 红负 曹岩磊

第 2 轮


Wong Ping Loong @

Saturday, November 12, 2016

2016年全国象棋个人赛: 王天一 胜 赵鑫鑫

中国棋院杭州分院 王天一 胜 浙江民泰银行象棋队 赵鑫鑫


2016-11-08 15:00



Wong Ping Loong @

Friday, November 11, 2016

2016年全国象棋个人赛男子甲组: 王天一 胜 郑惟桐

2016年全国象棋个人赛男子甲组: 王天一 胜 郑惟桐

中国棋院杭州分院 王天一 胜 成都龙翔通讯队 郑惟桐


2016-11-10 08:30

第3局 10分+10秒


Wong Ping Loong @

Sunday, November 6, 2016

王天一 胜 徐崇峰

王天一 胜 徐崇峰


第 3 轮


Wong Ping Loong @

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

GM Zheng Weitong wins GM Hu Ronghua

GM Zheng Weitong wins GM Hu Ronghua

2014 3rd Biguiyuan Xiangqi Championship Invitation Tournament

Round 6

Annotated by:

Wong Ping Loong @

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

广东 许银川 胜 广东 吕钦

广东 许银川 胜 广东 吕钦

第03轮 第1局 6分+3秒


Wong Ping Loong @

Monday, October 24, 2016

四川 郑惟桐 胜 上海 胡荣华

四川 郑惟桐 胜 上海 胡荣华




Wong Ping Loong @

Sunday, October 23, 2016

山东 张瑞峰 负 杭州 王天一

山东 张瑞峰 负 杭州 王天一



Wong Ping Loong @

Sunday, October 16, 2016

价值一百万人民币的棋!上海 谢靖 负 四川 郑惟桐


上海 谢靖 负 四川 郑惟桐




Saturday, October 15, 2016

杭州 王天一 胜 天津 张彬

杭州 王天一 胜 天津 张彬




Wong Ping Loong @

  1. 兵七进一  …………


Grand Master WangYang Loses to Grand Master Wang Tianyi

Grand Master Wang Yang Loses to Grand Master Wang Tianyi

A match within Grand Masters, ended in 10 moves

2016 Fying God Cup National Xiangqi Champhion Competition
8th June 2016
Round 3

Annotated by: Wong Ping Loong @

  1. C2=6  …………

Red started with Cross Palace Cannon opening.

  1. …………  H8+7

Master Zhao Wei Loses to Grand Master Jiang Chuan

Master Zhao Wei Loses to Grand Master Jiang Chuan

2016 Tiantian National Xiangqi Premier League

Round 21
14th Oct 2016

Wong Ping Loong @

Thursday, October 13, 2016

江苏 程鸣 胜 杭州 王天一

江苏 程鸣 胜 杭州 王天一


第03轮 2016-10-11


Wong Ping Loong @

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

天津 孟辰 胜 杭州 王天一

天津 孟辰 胜 杭州 王天一





All rights reserved.
Wong Ping Loong @

Monday, October 3, 2016

An interesting Xiangqi internet game

An interesting Xiangqi internet game

This is a weekly tournament via  internet for three members.The winner of past week playes with winner of this week and so on.
The time control is 30min for each player.
The interesting for this tournament is fixed the first two moves. Example, Central Cannon vs Screen Horse match.These would help the members to improve their opening skill.

For this game, the fixed first two moves are
1. C2=5 H8+7
2. H2+3 H2+3

which are the Central Cannon vs Screen Horses.

GM Sun Yongzheng loses to GM Jiang Chuan

GM Sun Yongzheng loses to GM Jiang Chuan

Event: 2016 2nd National Champhions North South Team Competition
Date: 27th July 2016

Wong Ping Loong @


Sunday, October 2, 2016

内蒙古 王天一 胜 江苏 王斌

内蒙古 王天一 胜 江苏 王斌

内蒙古 王天一 胜 江苏 王斌



Saturday, October 1, 2016

Grand Master Jiang Chuan wins Master Dang Fei

Grand Master Jiang Chuan wins Master Dang Fei

2016 Tiantian National Xiangqi Premier League
Round 20
27th Sept 2016

京冀联队 蒋川 胜 厦门海翼 党斐

Friday, September 30, 2016

湖北 汪洋 负 四川 王天一

湖北 汪洋 负 四川 王天一




All rights reserved.
Wong Ping Loong @

杭州 王天一 负 天津 孟辰

杭州 王天一 负 天津 孟辰




GM Jiang Chuan wins GM Lu Qin

GM Jiang Chuan wins GM Lu Qin

2015 4th Biquiyuan Cup Xiangqi Invitation Tournament
4th Dec 2015
Round 6

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

GM Tao Hanming Loses to GM Jiang Chuan

GM Tao Hanming Loses to GM Jiang Chuan

2016 7th Yang Quanlin Cup Xiangqi Open Tournament
5th Sept 2016
Round 1

Wong Ping Loong @

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

南方队 许银川 胜 北方队 王天一

南方队 许银川 胜 北方队 王天一

2016-07-27 第02轮


Understanding the Elephant: A Xiangqi Primer Part 1

Understanding the Elephant: A Xiangqi Primer Part 1

History of Xiangqi

Authored by Jim Hau Cheng Png
Edition: 1
Chinese Chess, or Xiangqi which is the preferred term, is the most played board game or form of chess in the Orient. Yet despite its popularity inside of Asia, it is relatively foreign to the West. 
Understanding the Elephant: A Xiangqi Primer is a series of books aimed at promoting the game to the West.
In the very first part of the series, the history of Xiangqi is presented. Ancient Chinese texts, and contemporary books on the subject have been used to present and compare early articles or books on the topic in the West. 

Monday, September 26, 2016

Xiangqi Opening Hints: How to counter Red's Central Cannon Ranked Chariot, pushing Central Pawn rapidly

Xiangqi Opening Hints: How to counter Red's  Central Cannon Ranked Chariot, pushing Central Pawn rapidly

In below examples, Red choose R1+1 instead of P7+1 during opening (better move would be P7+1). Black could counter with P3+1!

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 2 - Iwan Setiawan (Indonesia) wins Gitter Lucas (Germany)

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 2 - Iwan Setiawan (Indonesia) wins Gitter Lucas (Germany)

Iwan Setiawan (Indonesia)

Gitter Lucas (Germany)

Iwan Setiawan (Indonesia) wins Gitter Lucas (Germany)

Round 2
2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship
Venue: University of Applied Languages (SDI), Munich, Germany

  1. C2=5  …………

Sunday, September 25, 2016

GM Jiang Chuan Draws to GM Wang Tianyi

GM Jiang Chuan Draws to GM Wang Tianyi

2016 7th Yang Quanlin Cup Xiangqi Open Tournament
Round 7
8th Sept 2016

Li Chengqi loses to Jiang Chuan

Li Chengqi loses to Jiang Chuan

Event: 2016 Tiantian Xiangqi Premier League

Round: 19

Date: 13 Sept 2016

Saturday, September 24, 2016

GM Jiang Chuan wins GM Zhao Xinxin

GM Jiang Chuan wins GM Zhao Xinxin

Event: 2016 2nd National Champions North South Team Competition
Date: 30th July 2016

Wong Ping Loong @

北方队 蒋川 胜 南方队 赵鑫鑫

GM Sun Yongzheng loses to GM Jiang Chuan

GM Sun Yongzheng loses to GM Jiang Chuan

Event:2016 5th Wenling Zhang Yu Dong Tian Cup National Xiangqi Tournament
Date:23 Sept 2016

Wong Ping Loong @

上海 孙勇征 负 北京 蒋川

Xiangqi Opening Hints: How to counter Red's Central Cannon Crossed River Chariot Push Central Pawn rapidly??

Xiangqi Opening Hints: 

How to counter Red's Central Cannon Filed Chariot Opening with Push Central Pawn rapidly??

Example 1

王天—遇到瞎眼狗: 杭州 王天一 胜 火车头 钟少鸿

杭州 王天一 胜 火车头 钟少鸿




All rights reserved.

Wong Ping Loong @

Friday, September 23, 2016

越南 赖理兄 先胜 德国 薛涵第

6轮01台-越南 赖理兄 先胜 德国 薛涵第



All rights reserved.

Wong Ping Loong @

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Xiangqi For Beginners - Video. 【象棋新兵︱中國象棋入門教室】

Xiangqi For Beginners - Video

以前係課室最鍾意就係捉番兩鋪,不過總會有同學行錯隻棋。Beginneros今次請黎 港.象棋教你象棋基本功,唔好再「蹩馬腳」啦。(諗起個蹩字都打晒蹩)

马来西亚 沈毅豪 先负 德国 薛涵第

马来西亚 沈毅豪 先负 德国 薛涵第


E05 仙人指路对金钩炮


All rights reserved.

Wong Ping Loong @

马来西亚 沈毅豪 胜 中华台北 许明龙

马来西亚 沈毅豪 胜 中华台北 许明龙

2016-09-05 09:00


All rights reserved.
Wong Ping Loong @

中国澳门 曹岩磊 胜 马来西亚 陈裕伟

中国澳门 曹岩磊 胜 马来西亚 陈裕伟

2016-09-05 09:00


All rights reserved.
Wong Ping Loong @

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

北京 王天一 胜 黑龙江 陶汉明

北京 王天一 胜 黑龙江 陶汉明

2016-09-16 15:00


All rights reserved.
Wong Ping Loong @

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Xiangqi Grandmaster Jiang Chuan - annotated games: GM Sun Yongzheng (Shanghai) loses to GM Jiang Chuan (Beijing)

Xiangqi Grandmaster Jiang Chuan - annotated games

Copyright owner: Jiang Chuan Xiangqi Fans Club
Translated by permission: Wong Ping Loong

GM Sun Yongzheng (Shanghai) loses to GM Jiang Chuan (Beijing)

Event: 2010 China National Xiangqi Men Championship
Date: 24th Oct 2010.

  1. E3+5  …………

Great Xiangqi Grand Master Hu Runghua, has gained good results by using Elephant Opening. Since then, elephant opening variation has became a popular opening for Shanghai Team. Shanghai's players often use elephant opening in main tournaments and have obtained good results.
Before this game, GM Sun also often used elephant opening against me, he either won or draw.

Monday, September 19, 2016

GM Wang Tianyi (Beijing) wins GM Cao Yanlei (Macao)

GM Wang Tianyi (Beijing) wins GM Cao Yanlei (Macao)

2016 Baobao Cup Xiangqi Master Invitation Tournament
Round 11, 17 Sept 2016

Annotated by Wong Ping Loong
Free to share/distribute for non commercial used

All rights reserved.
Wong Ping Loong @

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Grandmaster Wang Tianyi wins Grandmaster Hao Jichao

Grandmaster Wang Tianyi wins Grandmaster Hao Jichao

2016 7th Yang Quanlin Cup National Xiangqi Open
6th Oct 2016
Round 4

Annotated by Wong Ping Loong

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Wong Ping Loong @

北京 王天一 胜 北京 唐丹

北京 王天一 胜 北京 唐丹

2016-09-15 15:00


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You are free to share this image without any modification for non commercial used.

All rights reserved.
Wong Ping Loong @

北京 王天一 胜 澳门 曹岩磊

北京 王天一 胜 澳门 曹岩磊

第11轮 2016-09-17 19:00


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You are free to share this image without any modification for non commercial used.

All rights reserved.
Wong Ping Loong @

Saturday, September 17, 2016

杭州 王天一 胜 黑龙江 郝继超

杭州 王天一 胜 黑龙江 郝继超

Date:2016-09-06 15:00

You can right click the image and save into your computer. 
You are free to share this image without any modification for non commercial used.

All rights reserved.
Wong Ping Loong @

Thursday, September 15, 2016

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 2 - Bieg Pascal (Germany) loses to Rumyantsev Dmitriy (Russia)

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 2 - Bieg Pascal (Germany) loses to Rumyantsev Dmitriy (Russia)

Bieg Pascal (Germany)

Rumyantsev Dmitriy (Russia)

Bieg Pascal (Germany) loses to Rumyantsev Dmitriy (Russia)

Round 2
2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship
Venue: University of Applied Languages (SDI), Munich, Germany

  1. C2=5  H8+7    2. H2+3  R9=8
  3. R1=2  E7+5

Black E7+5 is rare. The popular choices are H2+3, P7+1 or P3+1.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Xiangqi Grand Master Jiang Chuan - annotated games: Hu Qingyang loses to Jian Chuan

Xiangqi Grand Master Jiang Chuan - annotated games

Copyright owner: Jiang Chuan Xiangqi Fans Club
Translated by permission: Wong Ping Loong

Hu Qingyang loses to Jian Chuan

Tournament: 2016 Tiantian Xiangqi National Xiangqi Premier League
Round: 17
Date:23rd Aug 2016

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Xiangqi Grandmaster Jiang Chuan - annotated games: Demin Alexander (Russia) Loses To Jiang Chuan (China)

Xiangqi Grandmaster Jiang Chuan - Annotated Games

Original copyright owner: Jiang Chuan Xiangqi Fans Club
Translated by permission: Wong Ping Loong

Demin Alexander (Russia) Loses To Jiang Chuan (China)

Tournament:2016 World Xiangqi Tournament
Date:Aug 2016

  1. C2=5  H2+3    2. C8+4  …………

Red advances his cannon prematurely. This is a rare move and caused bad outcome in actual game.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Which one is your preference? Please give your feedback!

Which one is better?

Xiangqi Grand Master: Jiang Chuan

I am pleased to announce that with written permission from Grand Master Jiang Chuan, I am allowed to translate all of his annotated games publish in Jiang Chuan Xiangqi Fans Club

Grand Master Jiang Chuan

Jiang Chuan was born on 26th January 1984, in Wenzhou, China. He starts to learn Xiangqi at year 1990. In year 2002, he gained China National Xiangqi Master title. In 26th October 2010, he won China National Championship tournament and gained China National Xiangqi Grand Master title. In 25th November 2011, he won 12th World Xiangqi Championship tournament and gained Xiangqi International Grand Master title.

I am pleased to announce that with written permission from Grand Master Jian Chuan, I am allowed to translate all of his annotated game publish in Jiang Chuan Xiangqi Fans Club.

Stay tuned and follow this blog for the latest update.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 2: Trenh A Sang (Vietnam) wins Nauman Ingo (Germany)

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 2:  Trenh A Sang (Vietnam) wins Nauman Ingo (Germany)

Trenh A Sang (Vietnam) wins Nauman Ingo (Germany)

Both players on the game

Trenh A Sang (Vietnam)

Nauman Ingo (Germany)

Round 2
2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship
Venue: University of Applied Languages (SDI), Munich, Germany

  1. E3+5  …………

Red selects elephant opening.

  1. …………  P3+1

Black responds with Pawn opening is rare. Normally, Black will play C8=4 or C2=4.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 2 - De Leeuw Arnout (Netherland) loses to Xie Jing (China)

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 2- De Leeuw Arnout (Netherland) loses to Xie Jing (China)

De Leeuw Arnout (Netherland) loses to Xie Jing (China)

De Leeuw Arnout (Netherland)

Xie Jing (China)

Round 2
2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship
Venue: University of Applied Languages (SDI), Munich, Germany

  1. C2=5  H8+7    2. H2+3  R9=8
  3. R1=2  H2+3

Both reach Central Cannon vs Screening Horse Opening variations.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 1- Nauman Ingo (Germany) loses to Ding Wa Chong (Netherlands)

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 1- Nauman Ingo (Germany) loses to Ding Wa Chong (Netherlands)

Nauman Ingo (Germany)

Ding Wa Chong (Netherlands)

Nauman Ingo (Germany) loses to Ding Wa Chong (Netherlands)

Round 1

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship
Date: 22nd August 2015
Venue: University of Applied Languages (SDI), Munich, Germany

  1. P3+1  P3+1

Both use Pawn Opening variation.

Limited Period Promotion - eBook:The XiangQi Master From The Cave. Starting from $0.99.

Limited Period Promotion!!!

eBook:The XiangQi Master From The Cave. 

Starting from $0.99.


Thursday, September 1, 2016

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship. Round 1: Lay Kam Hock (West Malaysia) wins Iwan Setiawan (Indonesia)

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship. Round 1: Lay Kam Hock (West Malaysia) wins Iwan Setiawan (Indonesia)

Both players on action

Lay Kim Hock (West Malaysia)
Iwan Setiawan (Indonesia)

Lay Kam Hock (West Malaysia) wins Iwan Setiawan (Indonesia)

Round 1
2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship
Date: 22nd August 2015
Venue: University of Applied Languages (SDI), Munich, Germany

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship: Round 1: Hong Chia Chuan (Philippines) wins Sone Toshihiko (Japan)

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship:  Round 1: Hong Chia Chuan (Philippines) wins Sone Toshihiko (Japan)

Hong Chia Chuan (Philippines)
Sone Toshiniko (Japan)

2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship:  Round 1:

Hong Chia Chuan (Philippines) wins Sone Toshihiko (Japan)

Round 1
2015 14th World Xiangqi Championship
Date: 22nd August 2015
Venue: University of Applied Languages (SDI), Munich, Germany

  1. C2=5  …………

Red Central Cannon opening, very common uses in this tournament.